So I'm done with this class (cultural anthro...). I must say I have a different outlook on life now. Though it was not what I expected. We touched on some very racist topics. Like pollution in black neighborhoods. And the degradation of an island call Nauru. Which was kind of OK. But I thought it would be on different cultures like Japan or something. Not what I expected at all.
If I did learn anything it was that the teacher rambles #1. She likes to talk about black people and Indian people #2. and #3 more and more people will complain about pollution only if it directly effects them or if they feel self-conscious or feel like they have to do good to better future society. It gets more in depth but Im pretty sure no one will read this so I will not post. If someone happens to read this I will post more on the Cultural Anthropology I learned and Women's Studies too... ;)
Good Night